Best Remedies to Improve Memory and Concentration
Many of us face moments of forgetfulness in our day to day life, we just forget things in a fraction of seconds. Week memory is quite frustrating.
For example, do u forget why u had made a phone call to your friend after calling ? or do you reach to the fridge to get something but after opening the fridge you completely forget what you wanted? , do you forget where you left your car keys? You forget the birthdays of your dear ones?? Do your children find difficulty in remembering what was taught in school and have a low concentration in studies???
If so, you should begin thinking about improving your memory, before it’s too late!
To keep your mind sharp as you grow older, and possibly reduce your risk of aging-related conditions like Alzheimer's disease and dementia, stick to a healthy routine that pairs brain-boosting behaviors with natural approaches proven to improve memory.
Causes of poor memory
- Lack of sleep.
- Medication
- Alcohol
- Stress and anxiety.
- Depression
- Underactive thyroid.
Some ayurvedic preparation for boosting memory and concentration
Triphala – Improves the detoxification process, metabolism and bio-assimilation of nutrients to the brain and body cells
Shankha Pushpi – Improves concentration, memory, and IQ. For support of healthy sleep patterns, use shankhapushpi at bedtime (traditional use allows for up to 6 grams). According to the Astanga Hridyam, ghee, cooked three times with shankhapushpi juice and milk, makes even the dullest mind sharp.
Bringaraj – Enhances psychological tolerance; improves memory and IQ
Ashwagandha – it supports healthy memory and a strong nervous system.
Some ayurvedic medicines that can be taken are –
· Patanjali Amrut Rasayan – contains – Brahmi, Amla, saffron, almonds, ghee, and other special ingredients. which helps restore a healthy physical and mental health
· Baidyanath Braintab – reduces mental stress and strain, improves concentration, grasping power, reduces forgetfulness
(Please consume these medications after consulting your doctor.)
Here are some simple remedies to Improve memory power and concentration –
These mentioned ayurvedic home remedies are 100% natural and do not cause any side effects.
1. Almonds
Almonds are superfoods for the brain. they improve memory and brain power. They are a rich source of antioxidants and omega -3 fatty acids that boost memory.
How to use almonds for boosting memory –
- Soak 5-10 almonds in water overnight . next morning, peel the skin and grind the almonds.
- Boil this paste with one glass of milk, add little sugar or honey for taste. drink this daily for 30-40 days.
This remedy is very effective in children as well as adults. I have tried it myself.
2. Brahmi –
This ayurvedic herb has great mental benefits. it works as a brain tonic and has antioxidant and neuroprotective effects.
According to a research Brahmi (Scientific name – Bacopa monnieri) helped improve word recall memory and decrease depression and anxiety.
How to use Brahmi-
- Consume 1-2 teaspoons of Brahmi leaves juice two to three times a day. you can add little honey to this juice.
- Alternatively, Mix one-quarter to one-half teaspoon of Brahmi powder in a cup of warm milk, add a pinch of cardamom powder and drink it once or twice daily. You can also add some clarified butter (ghee) made from cow’s milk (optional).
- Another option is to take 300mg of standard extract daily.
3. Fish oil
Fish oil supplements help improve memory and reduce cognitive decline due to the presence of high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil may also help prevent the formation of brain plaques linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
How to use fish oil-
- Take fish oil supplements, containing at least 600 mg DHA, daily. For proper dosage and suitability, consult your doctor.
- You can also include fatty fish like salmon(Indian name – Rawas), herring, mackerel(bangda), sardines (pedvey,padwa) in your diet.
4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil fuels the brain cells and thus improve memory and cognitive functions. It also helps prevent dementia and fight against Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to this, it boosts energy, reduces cholesterol and improves the health of skin and hair.
How to use coconut oil –
- consume one teaspoon of organic, cold -pressed, virgin coconut oil twice daily on a regular basis.
- You can also add a small quantity of coconut oil to your baking goods, salads, curries etc.
- Alternatively, u can chew on few pieces of fresh coconut daily.
- Eating fresh coconut is also very good for pregnant ladies. It boosts brain development in the fetus.

eating Indian gooseberries daily will strengthen the week memory. It is one of the best remedies for managing Alzheimer’s disease.
- It can be consumed daily fresh or in dried form
- Take 1 – 3 teaspoons of amla churna (powder) three times a day for few weeks.
eating walnuts daily helps in increasing memory. it improves blood circulation to the brain and also maintains good cardiovascular health. it will improve your memory function and learning abilities
-Eat a handful of walnuts daily.
it revitalizes your mental health.
- add a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon to a glass of warm milk and consume.
- mix a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon with honey and consume daily.
8. Dark Chocolate –
Dark chocolate is also effective in improving memory power, it is a rich source of antioxidants.
9. Pistachio nuts –
week memory power can be due to a deficiency of thiamine. pistachio nuts are a rich source of thiamine. so consume these nuts daily.
10. Dates and figs –
These are rich in phosphorus and other necessary nutrients. These are very effective in improving the memory, concentration and will help in protecting the brain from damaging.
- consume 4-5 fresh dates/figs during the season
- soak 4-5 dates/figs in milk overnight and grind the mix in the morning to consume the delicious drink.
11. Rosemerry –
This herb is great for increasing concentration. it is also a stress buster. it contains carnoise acid that acts as a protective shield for the brain cells to improve the functionality of your memory.
Make rosemary tea - You can add one teaspoon of rosemary in a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. Strain, add honey to taste and sip. and drink daily
12. Basil
It has mind-clearing activity . it opens your mind and improves focus
13. Flax seeds & Pumpkin Seed
They are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, help remain healthy and maintain excellent memory and concentration power.
- add a tablespoon of freshly grounded flax seed to you your salad and eat
- massage you head with flax seeds oil at least twice a week for improved memory and concentration power
14. Blueberries
They improve memory by reducing oxidative stress. they are full of antioxidants, improve the cognitive learning process and decision making.
15. Water-
Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily to remain healthy and your mind to function better. Brain functionality slows down if you are dehydrated.
16. Beetroots –
it improves blood supply to brain .it improve hemoglobin levels which help improving brain functionality to properly concentrate. As a result, your memory improves.
- Add chopped beetroot to salads
- Consume beetroot and tomato juice daily
- Even cooked beetroot can be consumed
17. Practice mind exercises –
In order to keep the mind limber and updated, we’ve got to exercise it. brain exercises are fun. Activities like crosswords, puzzles, Sudoku, reading or even Rubik cube keeps the brain stamina up. Learning new skills like a new language or musical instrument or even learn cooking etc also works.
Practicing physical exercises also is important for the brain as it leads to more intake of oxygen and also increases the blood circulation to the brain, which boosts the brain cells.
• Find a quiet spot, empty of distractions.
• Set a timer for the amount of time you want to meditate. Start with five minutes and move up from there.
• Sit on a chair or on the floor, whichever is more comfortable.
• Close your eyes and focus on your breath; on where it feels the strongest. When thoughts enter your mind, don’t reject them. Simply acknowledge them and gently return your attention to your breath.
There is very little doubt that if you practice in this manner then you will surely improve your concentration.
18. Meditation
Meditation increases brain power and memory power.
To start meditating, just follow these steps:
• Find a quiet spot, empty of distractions.
• Set a timer for the amount of time you want to meditate. Start with five minutes and move up from there.
• Sit on a chair or on the floor, whichever is more comfortable.
• Close your eyes and focus on your breath; on where it feels the strongest. When thoughts enter your mind, don’t reject them. Simply acknowledge them and gently return your attention to your breath.
There is very little doubt that if you practice in this manner then you will surely improve your concentration.
One medicine or herb cannot improve memory, IQ, and concentration. A holistic lifestyle change combined with diet, exercise, yoga, Pranayama, etc is required. The best way to make use of herbal remedies is to use them consistently as a part of everyday life.
If you know any other effective home remedy, please feel free to comment and discuss the same.
Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to subscribe for more healthcare advice.
Remedies are very helpful for me. Ayurvedic and herbal supplements is also a safe way to improve memory. You can try herbal brain boosting supplements along with these remedies for more effective results.
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